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STATUS: ALIVE@CobraVisionary


Name: UnknownAlias: Cobra CommanderAge: 78 (Ageless)Height: 6โ€™1Gender: MaleMartial Status: Single

Powers and Abilities

Species: Augmented HumanPowers: Augment Physiology: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Resilience, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Intelligence, Superhuman Senses, Regenerative Healing Factor, Ageless ImmortalityAbilities: Genius-Level Tactician and Strategist, Leadership, Incredible Analysis Skills, Master Manipulator, Master Businessman, Master Hacker, Master Combatant, Military Training, Expert Vehicular Driver, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Multilingual, Indomitable Will


The Origins of Cobra Commander.


Cobra Commander embodies the traits of extreme intelligence, discipline, adaptability, and strategic thinking. With his superhuman intellect, he excels at observing and analyzing his opponents, their cultures, and their tactics, enabling him to predict their actions with uncanny accuracy. His disciplined nature allows him to stay calm and focused even in the most stressful situations, while his adaptability enables him to quickly adjust his strategies in response to changing circumstances.Despite his advanced age, his augmented physiology and ageless immortality maintain him at the peak of physical and mental capability. His superhuman stamina grants him virtually limitless endurance, allowing him to outlast any opponent in physical exertion. Cobra Commander's attention to detail is unparalleled, as he meticulously observes and analyzes every aspect of a situation to uncover hidden patterns and opportunities.As a leader, Cobra Commander commands respect from his forces through his unwavering commitment to their cause and his judicious administration of punishment when necessary. However, he prefers non-lethal methods whenever possible, reflecting his sense of strategic pragmatism and respect for life.In every aspect of his personality, Cobra Commander embodies the epitome of leadership, intelligence, and strategic prowess, making him a formidable adversary and an indomitable force to be reckoned with.

Powers and Abilities

แด˜แดแดกแด‡ส€sAugmented Physiology: As a result of undergoing a genetic enhancement procedure, Cobra Commander's physiology was permanently altered. The process reconstructed his physical and mental capabilities to levels beyond human comprehension or achievement. This transformation has rendered Cobra Commander superior in physical, mental, and intellectual aspects compared to even the most exceptional humans. Interestingly, even if he chooses to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, his powers remain unaffected. Nevertheless, Cobra Commander adheres to a healthy lifestyle, which appears to have further enhanced his abilities, similar to how it can benefit ordinary humans.Superhuman Strength: As an engineered upgrade to the human form, Cobra Commander possesses physical strength equivalent to that of ten human beings combined, and possibly even more. Fire-Fly once claimed that Cobra Commander could "bench-press a Toyota." Throughout his career, Cobra Commander has displayed incredible feats of strength, such as preventing a 5-ton pine tree, capable of easily crushing Jeeps, from falling on himself, curling 500 kg/1000 lbs, and bending metal with his bare hands. His exceptional strength allows him to incapacitate opponents with normal durability with just a tap to the head, and in combat, he can send enemies flying several meters into the air with a single punch or kick. He has even shown the ability to hold his own against formidable adversaries like the Hulk and Spider-Man, who have lifted massive weights in their own right. Notably, Cobra Commander has demonstrated sufficient strength to overpower even Giant Man, knocking him to the ground.Superhuman Speed: Cobra Commander possesses the ability to run and move at speeds surpassing those of even the most elite human athletes. He can reach impressive speeds ranging between 60 and 80 mph, allowing him to cover a distance equivalent to "eight or nine blocks" in a matter of seconds.Superhuman Resilience: Cobra Commander's bones and muscles are vastly denser and harder than those of humans, which makes him incredibly durable. He has been tasered, shot, stabbed, caught in several explosions, and subjected to multiple beatings, including being blasted through a city bus by a launched grenade, falling from the 30th floor of a skyscraper, and enduring repeated strikes to the face by the metal arm of a cybernetic warrior. Thanks to his enhanced physiology, Cobra Commander was able to recover swiftly and resume fighting after enduring such powerful blows. Another noteworthy display of his durability is when he survived being shot by lasers with minimal damage, resisting the effects for more than 5 seconds with tolerable discomfort, a feat that would render most normal humans unconscious within a second of contact. Additionally, Cobra Commander possesses a lean, athletic body, and even without formal training, his muscles remain well-developed, maintaining his physique regardless of his caloric intake.Superhuman Agility: Cobra Commander's agility surpasses that of an Olympic gold medalist and the world's greatest acrobats. He possesses perfect coordination, balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity. Capable of effortlessly reaching high places and leaping over cars with easy grace, Cobra Commander utilizes his exceptional agility to execute extraordinary parkour and gymnastic feats that would be unattainable for an average human.Superhuman Reflexes: Cobra Commander's reflexes are far superior to those of even the finest human athletes. They are beyond human potential, allowing him to effortlessly dodge rapid gunfire at close range. There was an instance when Cobra Commander managed to evade the gatling gun fire from a star fighter as it accelerated towards the airship, all while being on his motor vehicle. His auto-reflexes enable him to easily dodge gunfire and respond swiftly in fast-paced combat situations. Soldiers find themselves subdued by Cobra Commander before they can even aim their weapons at him. His remarkable reflexes not only serve defensive purposes but also allow him to attack and counter, effectively punishing attacks with devastating counters when facing exceptionally agile opponents.Superhuman Stamina: Cobra Commander's body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles; he is unable to feel the fatigue toxins flowing through his body, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity. His lung capacity is at the peak human levels, enabling him to hold his breath underwater for 6 minutes. As a result, he has virtually limitless stamina in all physical activities.Regenerative Healing Factor: Cobra Commander's blood platelets have regenerative properties, allowing him to heal from any injury or toxicity at a superhumanly fast and efficient rate compared to a human being's recovery rate. For Cobra Commander, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes, and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within an hour or less. Cobra Commander was able to regenerate from being shot by a Laser Gun directly in the abdomen in a matter of minutes. Any and all injuries heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly, without leaving a trace. Cobra Commander regained consciousness shortly after nearly dying. His accelerated healing powers also helped him swiftly rejuvenate to his prime condition and capabilities after decades of living on Earth. Additionally, his regenerative blood seems to rapidly regenerate already healthy cells, granting him a form of ageless immortality. This regenerative blood can also be used as a medical tool to heal, cure, or revive medical subjects through a blood transfusion.Superhuman Intelligence: Cobra Commander possesses a genius-level intellect that surpasses that of many human intellectuals. He has the ability of perfect recall, pattern recognition, and cross-correlation, with his brain boasting unlimited information storage capacity. He is able to instantaneously analyze and comprehend the mechanics behind various subjects, including languages, machinery, tactics, systems, and people's thoughts and actions within a matter of seconds. His capacity to assimilate all forms of knowledge, exceeding that of many post-doctoral qualifications, serves as a testament to the extraordinary extent of his artificially augmented superhuman intelligence, which surpasses even the most intelligent of humans. This enables him to excel in multiple fields of study such as engineering, military tactics and history, politics, counterintelligence, psychology, philosophy, chemistry, and physics.Superhuman Senses: Cobra Commander's senses have been enhanced to a superhuman level. This enables him to have accelerated perception, the ability to see in darkness, see further, hear more clearly over longer distances, possess sharper smell, and become more attuned to changes in the environment. Additionally, Cobra Commander demonstrates enhanced instinct, proving exceptionally helpful in situations that cannot be resolved through logic alone, or when identifying expert enemies skillful in concealing their presence.แด€ส™ษชสŸษชแด›ษชแด‡sMaster Tactician and Strategist: Cobra Commander is a brilliant tactician, strategist, and leader who stands virtually peerless in his field. Renowned as one of the greatest tacticians on the planet, both on and off the battlefield, he possesses exceptional planning and organizational skills. With an innate ability to devise effective battle strategies, his astute tactical sense enables him to fluidly adapt strategies to suit the evolving demands of any situation.Master Manipulator: Cobra Commander's best and most famous ability is that he is a master manipulator, adept at manipulating people, especially his enemies, to further his own agenda.Master Businessman: Cobra Commander is a formidable and cunning businessman who employs manipulation, tactics, and strategies to negotiate deals according to his own terms and conditions.Master Martial Artist: Due to his vast longevity, Cobra Commander has mastered virtually every form of hand-to-hand combat on Earth. He is proficient in all unarmed combat styles, including but not limited to MMA, Muay Thai, Escrima, Krav Maga, Capoeira, Savate, Yawyan, Taekwondo, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Ninjutsu, Kendo, Fencing, Kenjutsu, Kali, Bojutsu, Wrestling, Francombat, Boxing, Kickboxing, Hapkido, Sambo, Wing Chun, Parkour, Shorin Ryu, Silat, Chin Na, Kyudo, Aikido, Varma Ati, Jeet Kune Do, Shaolin, Ba Gua, Hung Gar, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Kenpo, and Karate. His primary form of combat is a blend of Judo, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate, Kung Fu, Boxing, Capoeira, Krav Maga, Aikido, and Ninjutsu. Cobra Commander demonstrated his skills by swiftly overpowering Conrad โ€œDukeโ€ Hauser, matching skills with Snake Eyes, and ultimately defeating General Hawk after a prolonged battle. General Hawk likened General Flagg to being "hit by a train" after experiencing Cobra Commander's strength, while Carl โ€œDocโ€ Greer conducted a comprehensive medical examination following Cobra Commander's act of eliminating General Flagg. In a confrontation with Duke, Cobra Commander managed to eliminate several JOE troopers on site.Master Marksman: Cobra Commander is capable of hurling all types of projectiles with incredible aim and pinpoint accuracy. He is also an exceptional sharpshooter and marksman, able to slice a bullet in half with a knife, showcasing his extraordinary skills.Master Swordsman: He is a remarkable swordsman, skilled in the art of wielding a blade with lethal accuracy and strength. In his intense battle with Captain America on the train, Cobra Commander engaged him in a prolonged duel with a saber. Additionally, he displayed exceptional swordsmanship during confrontations with Wolverine.Advanced Military Operator: Cobra Commander is highly proficient in various armed forces disciplines, such as intelligence gathering, escape techniques, assassination, demolition, survival tactics, hunting, swimming, mountaineering, marching, mapmaking, map reading, decoding ciphers, understanding secret code messages, crafting wood signs for covert communication, disguising, interrogation, mastery of computers, explosives handling, communication systems operation, utilization of military vehicles, and proficiency in operating electronic devices utilized by armed forces.Master Hacker: Cobra Commander can hack into even the most advanced computer systems without tripping firewalls or security measures.Multilingual: Cobra Commander is fluent in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, and several other languages.Expert Vehicular Driver: He is highly skilled in driving a variety of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, as well as certain types of trains and utility vehicles.Indomitable Will: Cobra Commander is relentless in his pursuit of completing tasks, never deterred by challenges or obstacles.


The eventual Cobra Commander originated as a refugee and former U.S. Army soldier living as a scientist in the concealed society of Cobra-La. Despite Cobra-La's devotion to organic elements, the scientist introduced a robotic being to their bioscience labs, causing discontent and leading to a revolt. During the incident, the future commander suffered severe burns while defending against the infiltrators. Upon healing, the scientist faced Golobulus, Cobra-La's ruler, who accused him of leaking information about a secret specimen and inciting the riots. In his defense, the man argued that a civil war was inevitable and proposed using his skills to help Cobra-La expand its control over the world. Impressed by a demonstration of his capabilities, Golobulus granted him the title of Cobra Commander.